I wanted to introduce you to an old friend of mine - the Pine Falls Quilt! It was the pattern that truly started it all here at The Blanket Statement.
Check out the Pine Falls PDF and Paper Pattern here!
It all began with a funny story (or two). For about a year, my business centred around custom quilt design. This custom pink baby quilt was one of the first orders I ever had! After multiple ultrasounds, the couple was told they were having a girl…but the baby ended up being born a boy! That led them to completely redecorate their pink and rose gold nursery in a brand new colour scheme. Which also then led me to make this turquoise quilt for them as a replacement...the second Pine Falls quilt I ever made!
I decided to gift the original pink quilt to my husband Chris’s coworker, who was expecting a baby girl. AND GUESS WHAT? After multiple ultrasounds, their baby came out a boy, too! What are the chances?!
I then received a custom order for a dark blue version of the quilt (see below). At this point, I was posting a lot of pictures on Instagram of this quilt design. And let me tell you - I was getting bugged nonstop by quilters for me to release the pattern!
So, after some careful consideration, my first official pattern was born! I took a leap of faith, wrote the pattern and made several more versions of the quilt - in classic Blanket Statement colours, of course!
The Kona colours I used for this green wall hanging:
When I was first trying to decide on a name for the pattern, it felt overwhelming. This was all completely brand new to me! One thing I knew was that I wanted to have parameters to work with if I was going to be naming more patterns in the future - which I’m proud to say I believed would happen! I also LOVE camping and travelling. So, that’s how I settled on naming my patterns after places around Manitoba!
Pine Falls is a little town in Manitoba (also known as Powerview) with scenic waterways. I also thought the name was fitting for this design because it looks like a tree when you look at it one way, and a waterfall when you look at it the other way!
In true Erin fashion, I made four more versions of the Pine Falls Quilt! I made the one below from Cotton and Steel - Stitch and Repeat fabric.
I made this next one as a custom order, using all reclaimed fabrics!
This one was also made from reclaimed fabrics:
And for this last one, I used leftover Kona Cotton from my Birch Point quilt. The Kona colours I used were:
This was also the first time I worked with pattern testers, which was an incredible experience! Check out their beautiful creations below:
From Wendy @wens_was_here
From Meesh @meeshquilts
From Erica @kitchentablequilting
From Jackie @jackiepopham
From Alexa @maplewindquilts
From Donna @xoxosew
From Rachel @wren.collective
From Fran @cottonandjoy
Ps. Check out Fran's post for an explanation of this perfectly imperfect capture (that we can all relate to)!
If you want to see other wonderful versions of the Pine Falls Quilt, check out the hashtags #pinefallsquilt and #blanketstatementpatterns on Instagram!
Have questions about this pattern or any other ones in the shop? Please reach out to hello@theblanketstatement.ca and we’ll help you out!